Light at its best - made in Austria

When it comes to street lights, to indoor- and object-illumination,
the brightest minds in municipalities and industry are putting on LED & Co.
For this, there is not only one good reason, but there are several:

LED & Co is Quality .

We develop and manufacture our lights in Austria.
This is why our products meet the highest European quality standards, characterized
by a long service life, and thus bring more security.

LED & Co is Individuality .

We meet your needs, requirements and of course adapt to local circumstances.
With our numerous designs we always provide you with a customized solution
for all applications.

LED & Co ist Sustainability .

We are protecting the environment already during production.
We reduce energy consumption and CO2 emissions.

LED & Co is Economy .

We preserve your budget, since due to the immediate power savings there are no investment costs. Through our solutions you can save up to 80% of energy costs.
This means: best light at best price.

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